Linux Command Line Basics
Introduction to Linux Command Line: The Gateway to Power Computing
Powerful command-line Linux amplifies your productivity and gives you much deeper control over your system. A fast way to get you up and running with the following quick guide:.
1. Moving Around in the Filesystem
pwd: Print Working Directory. Prints out your current directory.
ls: List all the files and directories. For detailed information, ls -l
2. Directory Manipulation
cd: Change Directory. Change into a different folder.
cd /path/to/directory
mkdir: To create a new folder/directory:.
mkdir new_folder
rmdir: Removes an empty directory.
rmdir empty_folder
3. File Operation
touch: Creates a new and empty file.
touch newfile.txt
cp: Copies a file or directory.
source.txt destination.txt
mv: Moves or renames the file.
mv oldname.txt newname.txt
rm Hapus file.
rm file_to_delete.txt
4. File Contents View
cat: To concatenate and print file content.
cat file.txt
less: View file content with scrolling capabilities.
less file.txt
head and `tail`: get the top or bottom rows of a file.
ng for files
find: Search for files in a directory hierarchy.
find /path/to/search -name “filename.txt”
grep: Search for text patterns in files.
grep “search_term” file.txt
5. Permissions
chmod: Changes the permissions of files.
chmod 755
chown: change file ownership.
chown user:group file.txt
6. Process Management
ps: Lists running processes.
ps aux
kill: Kills running processes.
7. Network Fundamentals
ping: Ping connectivity to a server. bash ping High: – `ifconfig` or `ip a` Shows the network configuration. ifconfig None Conclusion Mastery of these things–the basic manipulations via command lines–opens up great vistas of possibility in Linux. Now try each of these commands to see how they simplify your work!
This blog post lets the beginning administrator pick up a few of the necessary commands which will let them navigate and perform some kinds of maintenance on their Linux systems. Anything else to add?