How to Create a Palword Game Server

A Palworld game server creation on a VPS availed from involves a number of processes, which this guide shall try to go through in detail.


Step 1: Creating a VPS


1. Get a VPS: Go to website GratisVPS and create one account there. According to their instruction apply for free VPS.


2. Setting Up Your VPS: You can choose any configuration that would run Palworld smoothly, be it CPU, RAM, or Disk Space. A lot of people start off with the basic plan, with at least 4 GB of RAM being the minimum.

3. How to Connect to Your VPS: Once ordered, you will be given an IP address from which you log into it. Use SSH Client like PuTTY in case of a Windows environment or, if you’re using macOS and Linux, you can just open Terminal:


ssh username@your_vps_ip


Software Requirement: Installation Step 2-


1. Update Your System: Once logged into your server, run this command to update the package manager with


sudo apt update &) && sudo apt upgrade -y


2. Installation of Dependencies for Game Server: Package installations to be installed on the server to keep the server running in the background as `screen`,


$ sudo apt install screen wget curl -y


3. If your game uses SteamCMD, install and configure it by running


mkdir ~/steamcmd
cd ~/steamcmd
tar -xvzf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz


Step 3: Download a Palworld server and install it.


1. Download the Palworld Server Files: These are Palworld dedicated server files that may be made available to download from either Steam or from its official website. You can use the following command if you need to use SteamCMD:


login anonymous
force_install_dir ./palworld_server/


app_update <app_id> validate Replace `<app_id>` with the real app ID for Palworld.


2. Configure the server. Move into the server folder, and then into configuration files. Fire up your favourite editor-again nano-and edit these files in order to change server settings such as server name and maximum amount of players, among others. bash


cd ~/palworld_server nano serverconfig.json Step 4: Start the Server


1. Start the Server: Execute the following from the command line. If a Linux server executable is used, it might look something like:





2. Using Screen: In order to do that in the background start first a new screen session: bash


screen -S palworld


Now you can send a command to your server. You can detach from the screen by typing `Ctrl+A` then `D`. Step 5: Hook Up, Power On 1. Find Your IP Address You can see the IP of your VPS in the terminal itself with a command stating `curl`. 2. From Game Client: Now open the localhost instance of Palworld and hook it to the VPS IP address. 3. Server Monitoring: See the log of the server in the VPS terminal and keep monitoring of the server. Debug Firewalls: Make sure open ports that you needed are already set. You could view and set `ufw` or `iptables`. Crashes: If your server crashes, it is always a good thing to lookup the log files for errors. Be sure your VPS can handle all of these resource needs. * Community Support : Look for forums about game server management in great depth for advice. Good luck with your server setup! If for some reason things go wrong, please do not hesitate to ask any kind of help!